Maximus, 10 Years Later

Origin Story

Back in April 2013, I was asked to foster a black cat named Baby whose owner had died. I, of course, reluctantly agreed. And we all know how this turned out: it became a foster fail.

After a year of having Baby, I decided to adopt another cat so as to keep her company since I spend a lot of time traveling during the day for work. It was not a decision I made lightly since it took me weeks to actually bite the bullet and adopt the right companion for her.

I visited several animal shelters and pet stores that were sponsoring out of town shelters who would come in once a week to display the latest adoptable pets. Even amongst all those adorable cats, I never quite was able to find a cat I felt would be the right fit for Baby.

The Find

On a whim, I decided to go to the local animal shelter and look just once more. At this point, my frustration of not finding a cat was starting to reach its peak. I had already made peace with the fact that I was on a failed mission.

Lo and Behold: On March 7, 2014, there was Maximus inside his cage looking like he had just been sent to detention. I poked my finger through the cage only to be met by a hissing noise yet when I was allowed to hold him, it was instant purring. It was only later I discovered I had adopted him the same day he had been found and would have to wait 4 days instead of the usual 3 days to pick him up from the vet.

The Meeting of Baby and Maximus

I did my research as to how to introduce cats to each other. Yet despite my best efforts, Baby never did quite warm up to Maximus. Although, Maximus did his best to become her friend. Occasionally, they did have their moments when I would catch them sleeping or very rarely playing together.

Unfortunately, a year after adopting Maximus, Baby passed away. And since 2015, it’s just been Maximus and myself. I’ve given some thought to adopting another cat, but with certain goals I have in mind at the moment, it’s just not feasible.

In the meantime, Maximus has taken full advantage of being the only child and the center of attention in my life

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