Fire Nymph in the Woods

“The woods are filled with all manner of creatures…” –

Drake Alexander Knight

The Idea

Back in October, I had a last minute photo shoot come together with Emily. Given the month of October, we decided on doing a spooky shoot outdoors. So with a simple pair of horns, red skirt, and some ash, we headed outside.

There happens to be a a little wooded area near my home in the medical district of town and served as a suitable substitute for the actual woods. We actually ran into another photoshoot taking place at the same moment. Theirs was more of a goth witch shoot. After awkward glances were exchanged, Emily and I set about getting to work.

The Story

We had this idea of an unsuspecting traveler walking through the woods and happening upon a fire nymph. The nymph reacts (or rather overreacts) and unleashes her fire as a defense mechanism. Naturally, the traveler is frightened, runs off and the fire nymph looks upon her fire in dismay at how much power she actually welds.

After the emotion of the situation has died down, the nymph returns to frolicking in the forest once more.

The Edits

I had beautiful earth tones to work with on these photos not to mention the beautiful red in the hair and skirt. I bumped up the orange and reds, and reduced the vibrancy just a bit to keep from oversaturating everything. Then I reduced the green in the surrounding foliage to enhance the overall Fall look. I burned the trees and the grass to make the subject pop out a little more from the background. I then adjusted the levels in Photoshop to give Emily a more 3D effect from the background as well.

The Shots

Overall, Emily and I were rather please on how the shoot turned out. Instead of doing just another spooky shoot, which Instagram seems to be flooded with around October, we did a more medieval fantasy shoot, and listed it among out top favorite shoots.

Model: Emily / Instagram:

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