All I Want For Christmas

All I want for Christmas is the promise of a better 2021. We have all been through hell this year and have definitely earned it. From masks, lockdowns, quarantine, and a contentious election, 2020 has definitely earned its place in the annals of history.

As a result, I think this year’s Christmas will have greater meaning for folks. The Christmas tree will be greener, the lights will be brighter, and the egg nog will still not taste that great to me. I tried it and did not like it; even after I poured a little bourbon into it.

I purchased my first Christmas tree this year. I know, I know, it’s a shock to most people. As a bachelor living on my own, I’ve never felt the need to decorate for the holidays, except for one year I taped a picture of a Christmas tree on the wall. Plus, I also have a cat. Therefore, I’ve seen far too many videos of Christmas trees suffering the wrath of the feline.

However, this year, a friend and model wanted to do a festive Christmas shoot. Since I had never really done a Christmas shoot with a tree before, it was added incentive to go ahead and have one not just adorn my home but also serve as a prop as well. And what better way to end a horrendous 2020 than with a Christmas tree and a beautiful model posing around it?

Normally, my edits tend to favor the dark and moody look. But since this is Christmas, I wanted the shots to look bright. Furthermore, the colors needed to pop. I placed attention to the reds and greens, but especially so on Taylor’s blue eyes. I wanted to make sure that despite the colorful background, the attention would be placed on her eyes. The red dress she wore also complimented the look I striving to achieve.

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