Autumn Colors

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.

John Donne

Despite being born in the summer, I have always favored the fall season. The crispness in the air as the temperatures gradually become cooler or if you live in the Texas Panhandle like I do, it can be more of a rapid descent into subzero temperatures (I kid, of course, but seriously it can go from 0 to 100 around here real quick.) The leaves changing into a wonderful assortment of shades consisting of orange, red, and yellow.

For me personally, I\’ve always loved the gray overcast days filled with morning fog coupled by a light mist permeating the remaining greenery. Time seems to move slower on days like those as I enjoy a fresh brewed cup of coffee gazing out the window of the aforementioned description of the day.

It was on a similar overcast day with the sun occasionally peaking out and lacking the mist and the fog that this photoshoot took place. Valerie and I were downtown at 12th and Harrison at the First Baptist Church as the backdrop. It\’s a location that I\’ve used before and by others as it has a beautiful archway visible from the road.

Next to the archways, was a small inner courtyard littered with leaves and a weathering tree situated behind the bench which I had Valerie sit and pose for several shots.

Given the autumn theme, I edited the shots to include those hints of red, yellow and orange. I tend to favor dark and moody edits but I switched things up and a bit and kept the photos on the brighter side for once.

Even though this post is being published in December with the approaching winter twinkling every so brightly as we close in on the winter solstice, it did give me time to reflect on how enjoyable the fall is to someone with an old soul.

Valerie: Instagram

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