Starting Over

Third’s Time the Charm

Or in my case, maybe it’s fifth’s time the charm? I remember first starting blogging way back in 2013 as something to occupy my time and maybe make a little pocket change in the long run. Unexpectedly, I gained quite the experience in photography and found it truly enjoyable which led it from being a hobby to an actual side hustle. From to to to to finally

I was finally getting into a good groove with but then, and without warning, my entire site went down. No backups, no nothing. Four years of work down the drain. As it turns out and what I did not know at the time the WordPress theme I was using from Pipdig had malicious code inside it which would allow the developer to completely kill my entire blog. They’ve been blacklisted from places like GoDaddy and other reputable companies.

I related to a friend what had happened and she suggested reinventing the blog to a new name, if I was starting over, why not start over completely and be more in line with the goal of why I started blogging in the first place. And I have over the last year reconsidered switching it to MacLeod Life. Reason being: back in the mid 1990s, one of my favorite tv shows was Highlander the TV series.

The Inspiration

In Highlander the TV series, the fictional character of Duncan MacLeod spends his time between the fictional town of Seacover ( Seattle and Vancouver) and the other time in Paris. During his 400 years alive, he has traveled the world and learned countless skills. And so I drew inspiration from the character of wanting to increase my skills in the area of cooking, photography and also in travel. Hence, the MacLeod Life. I may not live as long he had in the show, but I will spend as much time as I possibly can learning and growing.

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