Thunderstorm Time Lapse

Fall is next month.  And as summer winds down, so will these beautiful storms rolling across the Texas Panhandle.  Time lapse is a great feature found on an iPhone and one I have used quite a bit in the spring and summer months when I see clouds being to boil up in the distance.  Even though I greatly enjoy the Fall and Winter seasons, dramatic thunderhead clouds are a welcome sight after the bitterness of winter.

I remember fondly as a child how I would look forward to Spring and Summer because I knew full well the excitement I felt when clouds would begin to gather and build up into majestic thunderheads.  The smell of rain was in the air followed by lighting streaking across the clouds.  One night, I ventured to the bathroom and saw through the window the lightning from approaching storm that was just north of my home out in the country.

I stood there mesmerized by nature and her awesome power.  I felt and still feel small at times when compared to the power I was witnessing.  Years later in 2004, I found myself repeating this scenario in my own home.  In late August, I had ventured out onto the balcony and looking west, was greeted by a very similar display of lighting I had seen as a child.  I was so moved by the spectacle I started  to record it on an old Sony Cybershot I had at the time.

After posting a photo on Instagram of a tremendous thundercloud dwarfing a five story hospital near my home, I wrote \”How small do you feel?\”.  A friend of mind replied underneath the caption I should never feel small.  I thought about what she could have meant, and all I could come up with was not to compare myself with what I was seeing.  Rather enjoy, appreciate, admire the beauty that was before me.

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